
link post  Posted: 19.11.08 16:57. Post subject: Anonimo veneziano/Незнакомый венецианец (1970) Enrico Maria Salerno

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Anonimo veneziano/Незнакомый венецианец (1970) Enrico Maria Salerno
Наверно лучший фильм действие, которого происходит в Венеции. Снятый на уровне, немного немало - «Смерти в Венеции» Лукино Висконти; а ведь это еще и дебютная работа известного итальянского актера, знаменитого прежде всего, за роли в спагетти-вестернах и джалло – Энрико Мария Салерно. Поразительно, но «Незнакомый венецианец» - это один из самых феноменальных дебютов в кино. Хоть бы одна короткометражка для разбега – нет сразу «полный метр» и сразу шедевр.
Это история любви и смерти. Он – смертельно больной музыкант из Венеции – Энрико (Тони Мусанте). Его жена – Валерия (Флоринда Болкан) – ныне издатель, счастливо нашедшая крупного промышленника, сделавшего себя магнатом с нуля(этакого Бетхудова из «Фантазий Фарятьева». К слову сказать, он так же, как и у Авербаха не появится в кадре). Энрико просит приехать жену к нему, не объясняя причин. Вначале, кажется, что Энрико просто хочет спасти брак, попытавшись вновь склеить бурный роман их молодости. Однако, героев ничего не связывает в настоящем, кроме общих детей, брака и прошлого. Увы, в настоящем все мертво. Поиски любви обречены на провал: в их общем совместном доме живут чужие люди, а воспоминания о рождении детей прерываются кукольным пупсом, плывущем в груде мусора по каналам. Попытка дирижировать оркестром вызывает приступы болезни у Энрико.
- Венеция смертельно больна…
Подводит итог главный герой. Но болен и герой и его мир, лишь прошлое мелькает яркими всполохами флешбеков воспоминаний.
В фильме, всего два персонажа. Время действия – один день. Зимняя Венеция, снятая с обывательской стороны: магазины, промзоны и баржи. Ирреальный дневной свет. Одной фразой – Венеция, в которой хотелось оказаться. Венеция, полностью противоположная той, которая известна всем по туристическим путеводителям. Удивительно трогательный и актерский фильм (фактически спектакль, в котором город исполняет роль сцены), стоящий совсем не в ряду итальянских драм того времени, а скорее навевающий воспоминания о работах Ильи Авербаха или Виталия Мельникова.

Музыка Стельвио Киприани - великолепна!
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Replys - 7 [new only]

link post  Posted: 22.11.08 16:55. Post subject: Не смотрел, но много..

Не смотрел, но много слышал...
Э-М.Салерно знаю больше как актера...
Мюзанте с Болкан после Mettu Una Sera a Cena (69) понравился играть вместе?

админ пишет:

Музыка Стельвио Киприани - великолепна!

Абсолютно, только Чиприани.Т.к. Cipriani читается как Чиприани (C-Ч).
Ее даже Поль Мория аранжировывал-настолько знаменитая...

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link post  Posted: 22.11.08 17:17. Post subject: eda-88 пишет: Абсо..

eda-88 пишет:


Абсолютно, только Чиприани.Т.к. Cipriani читается как Чиприани (C-Ч).
Ее даже Поль Мория аранжировывал-настолько знаменитая...

Будем знать! Я то итальянского не знаю. За саундтрек, как всегда спасибо!
eda-88 пишет:

Мюзанте с Болкан после Mettu Una Sera a Cena (69) понравился играть вместе?

Я этого фильм посмотреть не могу - ни субтитров, ни перевода нет...

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link post  Posted: 22.11.08 22:37. Post subject: админ А "Клетку..

А "Клетку" смотрел
Тоже с обоими?

Пожалуйста... Вообще Чиприани и Феррио, Тровайоли и Рустикелли, Донаджио.. конечно не Рота или Морриконе, но я просто в восторге от их музыки...Итальянцы Brava gente, есть такой фильм, в музыке они очень преуспели!!

Кстати P.S. хотел спросить, как-то я спрашивал про Э-М. Салерно, кого он играл в "Убийство Троцкого", но так и не нашел, может ты нашел?

P.S. Я на "ты" наверно перейду!

Кстати вот интервью Чиприани на английском, он упоминает и о Femina Ridens и о "Anonimo..."...

Interview with Stelvio Cipriani by John Mansell © 2007

With many many thanks to Valentina of the press office at BEAT records in Italy for all her hard work

with this interview.

John Mansell: Did you come from a family background that was musical at all?
Stelvio Cipriani: Nobody in my family was interested in music. I became involved with music accidentally: It was something innate inside me! I qualified and for one year I worked as accountant, but during this year I was also studying at the conservatory.

John Mansell: What musical education did you receive?
Stelvio Cipriani: When I was a child I usually went to church and I was fascinated by the organ. A priest gave me my first lessons: he taught me the ABC… the five-line stave… and he was the one who signalled my grand father about my big improvements and great interest in music. Everybody in my family wondered who I was like! At 14 I took the exams to enter at the conservatory... and from that time I have never stopped with music!

John Mansell: Had you always wanted to write music for the cinema, or was this something that developed as your career progressed? What was your first film score?
Stelvio Cipriani: My first movie was BOUNTY KILLER. A western, it was the 10 July 1966: my film music career started with that movie. I could exploit that opportunity thanks to my previous experience, differently from the present composers… Experience is very important: after my training and experience in piano, before starting with soundtracks, I lived many different situations. I played for 6 months, with a small music band, on cruise ships. At that time there were many ballrooms (or “balere” in Italian) - it was a very popular fad! - and we played in the manner of many other bands... like Peppino Di Capri and Fred Bongusto, to tell only two names. These ships sailed from New York to Portorico, Haity, and Caribbean Sea…

When I came back to Italy, I was enlisted as pianist and accompanist by Rita Pavone the famous singer, who at the time started her career. Again, I’m never stopping to repeat how these experiences were fundamental for my skill and proficiency. An essential platform who, after 5 years, would have given me an useful knowledge, necessary to work in cinema.

John Mansell: Your style and sound is very original and in many ways unique, do you undertake all the orchestration work on your scores for the cinema?
Stelvio Cipriani: Generally yes, I personally interested in it. When you have the possibility to do it, I think it’s important.

John Mansell: When you are working on a motion picture assignment, how many times do you like to watch a movie in order to get any ideas as to, what type of music is to be written or where the music should be placed for best effect?
Stelvio Cipriani: This is an interesting question. I think the answer is subjective for any composer. I certainly need to remember exactly the images while I compose music, but fortunately I have an impressing photographic memory! I don’t need to see the movie many times. Sometimes Dino Risi was impressed by my memory, because I remembered better than him any particulars of the frames. I would at times make fun of him joking about our age gap, saying he was getting old and he could not remember the movie.

John Mansell: You have toured with orchestras and given concerts of your film music and also other composer’s works, are there any composers that you find particularly interesting or original? Are there any composers that you think may have influenced you in the way that you compose or orchestrate your music?
Stelvio Cipriani: When I was young I was a great fan of Henry Mancini… and still I am! He represented an aim for me, like a searchlight in the sea. While I was working at my second movie, UN UOMO, UN CAVALLO, UNA PISTOLA, I was very honored because his attention to my music theme from the film. I don’t know… it’s a very big satisfaction: it’s a sign of your artistic value! When a few years later I met him, he was amazed to know me in person and said: - I thought you were older, with white hair! I studied on his books, I still have them. I did not imitate him, but I considered him as an example by a professional point of view.

As for Italian composers, the great Nino Rota would have to be the top of my list, he became very famous thanks to his soundtracks in Fellini’s movies, and actually he was a very complete musician. I often play famous themes in my concerts (“Via col vento”, “Il padrino”, “L’amore è una cosa meravigliosa”, ma anche “Titanic”!) and I usually start with Nino Rota’s music this is out of, respect for his wonderful talent… then, in the end, I conclude with Anonimo Veneziano! Which of course is my own composition.

John Mansell: Your score for UN UOMO, UN CAVALLO, UNA PISTOLA, and in particular the theme is probably one of the Italian western genres most popular musical works. How did you become involved with this particular project, and what size orchestra did you utilise on the score?
Stelvio Cipriani: It was because of the work I had done previously on THE BOUNTY HUNTER, the director wanted me so he contacted me and I agreed to write the score. I would say the size of the orchestra was number to between 30 and 35 players.

John Mansell: You have worked with both Alessandroni and Nora Orlandi’s choirs. Did you have a preference to which vocal group that you utilised, or was it just a matter of availability?
Stelvio Cipriani: No preferences. They’re both very good and, moreover, they’re great professionals. My choices were merely based on their availability.

John Mansell: A number of your film scores, have recently been issued for the first time on the Digit Movies Label, are you pleased that these are now finally available to collectors, and did you have any involvement in the preparation of the releases?
Stelvio Cipriani: Surely! It pleases me a lot! But I don’t intervene… I leave them free to choose.

John Mansell: BLINDMAN, is one of your popular works from the Italian western genre, within the score you use a sitar, an interesting choice of instrument for a western, was there any reason that you selected this instrument for the score?
Stelvio Cipriani: Well, this is an arrangement issue… it’s a sign of a musician’s intuition! To do an example, in another movie I used an anvil and a hammer. Their sound changed according to the part you stroke and it was very interesting. Another time, working for the movie “Tentacles”, I had to realize some music to communicate the effect provoked by some giant octopus’ enormous tentacles! And I’m not a great sea lover… I prefer mountains… so I can’t surely know anything about octopus! One day, walking in a record studio called Forum, inaccurately I trampled on some broken glasses on the floor: thanks to those accidents I realized the solution. I put a microphone in the right way to record the noise provoked by a big glass falling on the floor, being turned in thousands fragments. The record speed was 35, but in the movie we used a slower speed, 7 1/2: a very bizarre sound came out, a very realistic water whirling sensation…

John Mansell: Have you ever composed a film score under another name?
Stelvio Cipriani: Surely! My nickname was Steve Powder, a “revisiting” to my real name: Stelvio became “Steve”, Cipriani became “Powder” (because in Italian it means the “beauty face powder”).

John Mansell: What do you consider to be the role of music in film?
Stelvio Cipriani: It’s undoubtedly fundamental, it’s an integral part in a movie… but of course a good soundtrack is more enhanced when the movie is good too!

John Mansell: Have you ever had a score rejected, or declined to work on a film?
Stelvio Cipriani: No!

John Mansell: How much time were you given to compose a score for a movie, maybe you would like to use L, IGUANA DALLA LINGUA DI FUOCO as an example?
Stelvio Cipriani: Generally… one month, considering all the movie’s phases: to watch the film, to compose the music, to orchestrate and record it.

John Mansell: When working on a film score, how do arrive at your musical solutions, do you use piano, synthesiser or do you write your music straight to manuscript?
Stelvio Cipriani: I usually take some notes about the pictures, during the movie spotting session. Then, at the piano, I think again to the movie scenes and I invent the music. I have a great visual memory and I exploit it a lot to compose soundtracks.

John Mansell: When scoring a film, do you have any set routine in which you do this, by this I mean do you start at the opening titles and work through to the end or do you tackle smaller cues first leaving larger ones till later?
Stelvio Cipriani: Generally I primarily work to the key scenes in the movie, then, according with the director, I start working to the theme. When the director gives me his assent about the theme, I go on with the remaining scenes, trying to respect and to express in the best way their sensibility and feeling.

John Mansell: You have worked on numerous movies and many differing storylines and genres, is there any genre in particular that you are happier working on?
Stelvio Cipriani: Yes… I have a deep disposition in love movies, classic movies in which I can better express my piano. I’m a hardened Schopenian! I love Romantics! However I love to experiment new solutions too, relative to different genres… you have to be versatile in my work. Besides I like Italian Comedies, like Dino Risi’s. Sometimes, thinking to my past compositions, I remember some strange contrasts… metallic music by one side, the Opus Dei by the other.

John Mansell: You worked with Dave Brubeck at times, what was your involvement with him?
Stelvio Cipriani: I met Dave Brubeck in a very emotional situation! I was in New York: when I was young I experienced for a long time on cruise boats and those was the reason of my American stay. At the end of every cruise they had to clean and control the ship, so we had a 3-4 days break. During one of those breaks, I was with my band’s drummer Fausto, we went in one of the more famous jazz night clubs of the place: the Birdland. As we entered the club we could smell a typical smoke and alcohol odour… and we couldn’t believe to our eyes: it was the Dave Brubeck Quartet who plays!!! I fainted. Then we came back again in the club… and I was honored to play for him at the piano the second prelude by Bach… it was one of the strongest emotions I’ve ever had in my life.

John Mansell: As a composer where do you get your inspiration from?
Stelvio Cipriani: From the pictures surely, but I don’t know the way: it’s a mystery. Every time I am in front of something new and I am amazed!

John Mansell: You worked with Mario Bava on a number of films, what was he like to work with, did he have much involvement with where the music was to be placed etc?
Stelvio Cipriani: My collaboration with Mario Bava has always been very good. He was a very careful director: he was always present when we had to record. Generally, however, I have been on good terms with all my colleagues.

John Mansell: ANONYMOUS VENITIAN has to be one of your most lyrical and beautiful film scores, did you perform piano on this soundtrack?
Stelvio Cipriani: No… He was Arnaldo Graziosi: a big pianist, besides a wonderful person. When he was charged with having killed his wife and they asked my opinion (in an interview for the RAI, the Italian public television), I put in the recorder the disc of Anonimo Veneziano, and I said: - This is Arnaldo Graziosi.

He has a rare sensitivity and politeness. He is a friend with I have a marvellous relationship. He unfairly spent 15 years in a prison: I have no doubt about his innocence.

John Mansell: What are you working on at the moment?
Stelvio Cipriani: At the moment I’m working on a thrilling serial TV, who is going to be broadcast all over the world. It is being entitled “The 5 senses of death” and is being composed from 5 movies. Moreover now I am working for Pope Benedetto XVI: I am very religious. One time I met Pope Giovanni Paolo II in Torino: an immensely spiritual person. While he was walking he had all round a special light, he didn’t appear like a hearthly guy. I composed for him some music in honour of Don Bosco. Pope Wojtyla loved much salesians.

Thanks to Maestro Cipriani, BEAT records and a special thank you to Valentina.

Все эти альбомы (кое-какие даже с буклетом (Blindman) есть тут

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link post  Posted: 27.11.08 13:21. Post subject: eda-88 пишет: Кстат..

eda-88 пишет:

Кстати P.S. хотел спросить, как-то я спрашивал про Э-М. Салерно, кого он играл в "Убийство Троцкого", но так и не нашел, может ты нашел?

Комиссара играл, который, собственно, в финале появляется, чтобы скрутить Рамона Лопеса

Давайте перейдем на Ты - все правильно!

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link post  Posted: 27.11.08 18:57. Post subject: О...спасибо, надо пе..

О...спасибо, надо пересмотреть!!!

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link post  Posted: 29.11.08 22:24. Post subject: Появились английские..

Появились английские субтитры:

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link post  Posted: 29.11.08 23:12. Post subject: админ пишет: Появил..

админ пишет:

Появились английские субтитры:


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